Travis O'Hara  Does not do what he has promised for Belmont.


Mr. O'Hara has missed 208 votes since begging of 2024 through June 30.  Well done.  I am not sure how this translates to doing your job and representing the people.

Make Freedom Great Again

My goal is to spread freedom by using the Bible and its teachings along with common sense, to do my small part in bringing us to a time in this country where most people were proud to be god fearing and truly American. For some reason it has been become negative to be god fearing and hold American values in NH. If you do not openly profess your faith, how can you profess your other values and vision for a conservative NH?  I hope to be a voice of reason in a very difficult time in this country. I will truly hear all your needs, and concerns in Belmont and ensure they are brought to the forefront of New Hampshire's legislative process. You may ask how will Travis do this? I received a Bachelors Degree in Political Science and an Associates in Business Management from UNH. After college  I worked in construction, as a Certified Corrections officer and bring over 16 years of experience working for the State of NH.  While working for the state I worked for an agency as subject matter expert in the area of software development and benefits administration. I also worked as a financial coordinator monitoring budgets and grants.


Ensure Religious Freedom

I will ensure that no laws favor or limit another religion and promote life not government picking who lives and dies. I believe in God, however I will not pass laws that favor one religion over another.  I believe that government should truly stay clear of laws that do so.  However I will not sign laws that support same sex, genetic/surgical manipulation, or banning bible from schools and forcing Christians to accept things that are contrary to their belief based on intimidation.


Gun Owners Rights

Time and time again many federal courts and the US Supreme Court have ruled in favor of a CITIZENS right to bear arms, and it shall not be infringed. I shall only vote for laws that increase the rights of NH firearms owners. I will promote bills that make federal gun laws illegal in NH.  I will not compromise. statistically across the country "sensible gun control" has had little to no positive effect on curbing violence.  In many cases has caused the opposite to occur. Bottom line, anyone that is going to break laws and cardinal sins, does not care about violating gun laws. The purpose of gun laws is to make everyday citizens a criminal and a victim that has no choice but to bow to government.


America First Agenda

I shall support the America First agenda by using this agenda as a microcosm for NH. I hope entice manufacturing to NH and take it back from China. We can accomplish this by showing that NH is a stable state that will not add or raise taxes on business or individual, Cut taxes and ensure cost do not continue to rise exponentially like they have since our country was stolen from us in 2020 and sold to the highest bidder.


Voting Integrity

We must ensure that all people voting in NH are NH residents.  I want to support elimination of same day registration, make sure that absentee ballots must be requested 90 days prior to the election. I am aware that NH has approved purchase of new machines from Dominion and other vendors.  It is clear that there are problems with all voting machines all over the country new or old. I will push to go back to true hand count ballots.  it has been done for years in towns and districts with thousands of voters.  It works better and is less likely to have issues. Look out in 2024 election.


Parental Rights

I will oppose any increase in current taxes or adding a sales or income tax.  All neighboring states have income and sales tax.  My brother lives in VT and his property taxes are higher than those in NH. So the argument that this will reduce property taxes is bogus.  You can not reduces taxes by adding another tax, and those that state otherwise are insane or lying to you.  It amazes me how easy and unethically people in our government haphazardly spend money, do not save money for maintenance of existing structures and then just propose taking more money from you all.  If only you could do that in your household, throw caution aside and spend money however you want and just go to your neighbor and hold out your hand and make them fund your new pet project or your new 3rd luxury car.

I believe that the parents of New Hampshire have the right to know everything that is going on at the school associated with their children and all business related to the school.  We all pay the salaries of the teachers and we should be teaching math, science, arts, English and other fundamentals like personal finance. Teaching Wokeism, critical race theory and gender conversion encouragement, hormone treatments is unexceptionable and parents should have the right to sue the teachers for doing so.  


I also believe that parents have the right to education freedom accounts.

Right to Work State

I believe that NH should be a right to work state.  Being a former state employee I can tell you that the unions only help themselves. They negotiate measly 1% raises and then make same employees pay 3 times that in increase in health care cost which end up being a net loss.  but the union gets millions in new union dues for giving is members a net loss in income. On top of that the state and tax payers are on the hook for in essence sending more union dues to unions.  Unions only make things more expensive for everyone.

How can I get involved?

You can get involved by contacting me, talk to your friends and families and tell them to vote for Travis Toner who will stand up for conservativism. Let me know if you live in an well traveled area, I can give you a sign. Please reach out spread the word. Please contact me and let me know what topics are important to you. God Bless.

My mission is to serve as the bridge between the residents of Belmont and the New Hampshire state legislature. With a deep belief in public service, we are dedicated to advocating for policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of our community by means of constitutional conservatism. My approach is grounded in active listening, collaborative problem-solving, and a steadfast commitment to the public good, by focusing on the concept that NH government should be treated like an ethical business.  If you do not have the money, you do not spend it.  I am not sure where spending what we do not have and not being honest with the public translated to helping the public.   We should aim to create a brighter future for all Belmont residents by adhering to the state and federal constitution as it was originally founded.